Interrelated Applications – A2/2017/1648 & A2/2015/2839(B)

The Judgement of Lady Justice Sharp

The Judgement

• Deconstruction of the clear and obvious lies and misrepresentations contained in that judgement (in three short videos):

Applicants’ Response to
Jonathan Price’s Submission

Applicants’ Response to Respondents’ Submission sent to the Court of Appeal on 17/Nov/17

Supporting Documents to Response to Respondents’ Submission

Respondents’ Submissions

Submitted to the Court of Appeal by Jonathan Price of Doughty Street Chambers on 26/Oct/17

• Supporting Documents:
– (i) Original Particulars of Claim 3SA90091
– (ii) Amended POC
– (iii) Reply
– (iv) C2 WS

Case A2/2017/1648
Bundle A:
Application to Appeal
the Refusal to Reinstate Harassment Claims

Appellants’ Notice

Volume A1
Permission to Appeal (AB)

AB0 – Index
AB1-15 – Grounds
AB16-47 Skeleton
AB48-49 Sealed Order
AB50-58 Transcript of Judgement of PTR
AB59-122 Transcript of Final Judgement
AB123-157 Transcript of Dr Byng
AB158-163 Amended PoC
AB164-225 Johnathan Bishop Expert Report
AB226-366 Exhibits

Oral Permission to Appeal Hearing (AC)
AC1-08 Appellants’ Submissions prior to Oral Hearing on 22nd March 2016
AC9-119 Appellants’ Exhibits

Volume A2
Permission to Reopen the Appeal (AD)
AD1-8 Grounds of Appeal
AD9-16 Grounds of Appeal to Reopen Permission to Appeal
AD17-25 Reopen Appeal Form
AD26-45 Extract of Evidence of Mrs Byng
AD46-54 Permission to Appeal Hearing Judgement – A2-2015-2839
AD55-63 Court Orders
AD64-65 Sealed Order for Sale
AD 66-73 Exhibits

1st Recusal Request (AE)
AE1-31 1st Recusal Request

2nd Recusal Request (AH)
AH1-6 2nd Recusal Request

Volume A3
Application to Appeal the Refusal to Reinstate Harassment Claims (AF)
AF1-31 Grounds and Skeleton Argument
AF32-104 Evidence

Case A2/2015/2839(B)
Bundle B:
Second Application to Reopen Appeal
on Fresh Evidence

Application Notice

Volume B1
Permission to Appeal (AB)

AB0 – Index
AB1-15 – Grounds
AB16-47 Skeleton
AB48-49 Sealed Order
AB50-58 Transcript of Judgement of PTR
AB59-122 Transcript of Final Judgement
AB123-157 Transcript of Dr Byng
AB158-163 Amended PoC
AB164-225 Johnathan Bishop Expert Report
AB226-366 Exhibits

Oral Permission to Appeal Hearing (AC)
AC1-08 Appellants’ Submissions prior to Oral Hearing on 22nd March 2016
AC9-119 Appellants’ Exhibits

Volume B2
Permission to Reopen the Appeal (AD)
AD1-8 Grounds of Appeal
AD9-16 Grounds of Appeal to Reopen Permission to Appeal
AD17-25 Reopen Appeal Form
AD26-45 Extract of Evidence of Mrs Byng
AD46-54 Permission to Appeal Hearing Judgement – A2-2015-2839
AD55-63 Court Orders
AD64-65 Sealed Order for Sale
AD 66-73 Exhibits

Volume B3
Second Application to Reopen Appeal on Fresh Evidence (AJ)
AJ1-25 Application
AJ26-76 Fresh Evidence
AJ77-113 Evidence from original disclosure